Tuesday 28 May 2013


There are thousands of baby products out there and some of them are a stroke of genius while others leave us flabbergasted. So I compiled a list of products that are possibly weird and some, wonderful.
Baby Harness:
A lot of babies are snatched each day so instead of leaving your baby with some stranger, you can just hang them like a jacket on one of the toilet cubicles and do your thing while baby looks on.
Baby Bangs:
 Whoever came up with this decided a bald baby is not cute and so they invented a “mini weave”. Hopefully it is not itchy and if you buy it please do not take photos, I believe your teenager may just want to strangle you after seeing themselves like that. 
Baby Bum Fan: 
 Now this one i think is necessary. My baby had nappy rash and she wanted me to sit in-between her thighs n blow till she felt better, yeah it was that bad. Definitely a good invention lol also works for hot-flushes.
Toddler Urinal: 
 I guess the fact that toddler boys cannot control their wee stick was the motivation behind this invention. I guess it means fewer accidents, less work for mom and confidence for the little boys.
Zaky Infant Pillow: 
A pillow that holds a baby is definite must buy lol. Most babies love being held and mine would cry if you put her down so this would have provided the perfect solution. Mom can get on with other things and baby is happily sleeping in the “arms”.
Head Gear: 
 This one is a protection insurer for when a baby is learning to walk, jumping on the bed or the trampoline. It will definitely leave the parents more relaxed and chances of brain or neck injuries will be reduced.
Snot Sucker:
 Most little kids do not like being probed but for some parents it might work. I know my little girl would not let me put that or any foreign thing in her nose not even nasal spray, she gets violent.
Baby Mop: 
Unless u want to teach your child to clean at an early age, I suggest you ignore this ridiculous product. There is no way a baby can mop the floor thoroughly, clearly no effort to think was made here.
Twinkle Tube Toilet Aid:
 If you choose not to buy the toddler urinal (moms to boys) then I guess this one is an option. It’s purely invented for control.It prevents accidents.Your floor won't smell like urine and you won't spend hours cleaning it.
Pee Pee Bottle: 
 I would love this for long trips. It’s definitely not desirable pulling over to the side so your little one can pee. Then again you could just buy a squeeze bottle and use dat. So this might just be a waste of money.What about number two i ask?
 Baby Crying Analyzer:
 Most dads would love this, although I doubt it is spot on. I don’t really believe this baby language thing, I could be wrong though.

There you have it guys today there is no product you can think of that is not already on the market,as for me i would have loved to have at least one of these.
What do you think?

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