I have such troubles grooming my baby girl’s hair, I fret
just at the thought. The fact that African hair is so kinky is just not helping
and putting chemicals in a toddler’s hair for me is a no-no. I have therefore
resolved to plaiting it or doing ponytails /pom poms.
The thought of
someone pulling at her hair gives me the chills. Until I can find someone who
is gentle enough that is how it will stay. There are a lot of products to
stretch toddler’s hair but how can I use them on her when I myself still
struggle with burns during the process.
Some parents have no issues with their toddlers’ hair, heck
they even put weaves on their little girls. Children do not want to sit for
long periods and so they won’t until you bribe or threaten them and that can
only take you so far. I struggle to understand how pageant moms cope with the
stress of having to fix their kids hair, make up and getting dressed. Any way
that’s a topic for another day.
Since this article is not about the struggles of grooming
hair but about the solutions that can work, well best I get straight into it.
It’s important to do this at a certain time of
the day to allow for more time to take breaks
Use the dolls to demonstrate how important it is
to groom hair and praise them afterwards.
Make hair grooming a group thing,it might just
ease the pressure; most kids like to compete so it will be easy for them to
comply when they see other kids getting their hair groomed.
Alternatively you can have someone distract them
by singing and dancing with them or reading their favorite book for them while
you busy with their hair.
If push comes to shove then have someone they
respect or afraid of to sit through the process and give them warnings if they
To make the process as easy and
scream free as possible wash the hair before so that combing and brushing does
not hurt as much. GOODLUCK,I know I need it.
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